I understand this is THE event in Bogi: the Weihnachtsfest (Christmas party) which was held on the night before we could leave for our Christmas destinations.
Well, there was ado before the Fest (party). This year, the girls had to ask the guys out. The invitations ranged from simple emails to roll-plays in front of everyone in the cafe. Some entertaining, others curious, and a few that were down right creative (in all its various forms).
I decided to take part this year and asked a 1st year Theo student out. We're friends and we're always laughing: he's one of the few who could make any event a blast. He wasn't the only one who made this a fun night, but the group of mutual friends we sat with as well. If it wasn't for them, the night would not have been that great.
So yeah, off to picture #1:
I was ready about 20-15 minutes before 19:00 (7pm), the time when the guys started to come and pick-up their dates. I had time to kill, as this picture proves.
My friend Christian has claimed his plate, but he's not the only one who wants it!
Oh come on, guys; the food is not that bad!
It's good to be alive in a land of plenty, huh?
This was when I started to realize what I've gotten myself into... and Christian had my camera.
It's not what it looks like, the picture was just taken at the wrong moment.
The one in hiding, the extrovert, and the one who is down-right confused.
I wonder what evil plans he's scheming as I took this picture . . .
Ok, so there was a large group of people who had a serious case of the (swine?) flu, but what was the point of bringing a live, terrified pig into the party? He doesn't know we don't eat pork, even less that most of us are vegetarians.
Some of my favorite people, the SMs (student missionaries). They keep Bogi going, and are a lot of fun to be around. Besides, I do love blooper shots, like this one.
This was a lot more fun than I would have imagined. Thank you Heidi, Evi, Christian H., and Danil for your marvelous company and friendship; not only at the party, but for the whole year.
Special thanks to Christian G. for accepting to go with me (!). You're a sweet and hilarious man. I am honored to have you as a friend.
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