This was the day of the monuments and leaving DC before rush-hour traffic.

By the Jefferson Memorial.

The Japanese Pagoda. This was really disappointing; we thought it was going to be something big and impressive . . . nope, it wasn't. Maybe I just don't know the meaning behind it.

Part of FDR's Memorial.

I like water.

On our way towards the Jefferson Memorial.

On our way there, we met George Mason.

Thomas Jefferson standing tall, just where I left him.

Hello Mr. Jefferson, remember me?

A person to look up to.

I like columns, as you're about to see in the next pictures.

Nice sunny day.

Let's try a different angle on this. . . .
From here, we went to the Lincoln Memorial and left to try to avoid DC ruch-hour traffic. Didn't succeed in avoiding it very well, but it was done. Then we drove the 2.5 hr. (+/-) back to my humble abode. Not very many pictures taken until we went to Ocean City, Maryland; just 30 miles (48 km) east of the town where I live. Those pictures are in the next and last day (with pictures).
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