Ok, NOW we can check out the Smithsonian museums . . . but we only have 2, maybe 3 days. . . we're gonna have to pick and choose. We chose the following 3: American History, National History, and Air and Space. Kinda interesting how they are in order of time most spent. . .

The American History museum. We hardly spent much time here. We saw that it was already 13:00 and the museums close on 17:00. Later, we saw that they all closed at 19:00 (maybe its a special Tuesday thing?) Anyway, we didn't know this and wanted to get to the other 2. Sorry American History . . .

The Elephant at the Rotunda (foyer) of the National History Museum.

Below, the Underwater/Sea/Ocean exhibit . . . just across on the top (behind the whale), was an unexpected, yet very welcome surprise . . .

Surprise! How fitting, don't you think?

WHOA! What happened to you?!

Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun.

I do love learning about astronomy, so you know I'm not gonna miss this "Beyond" exhibit!

Hey Monica, feeling small yet?

And we're off!

Waiting to go and watch the Hubble 3D movie. This was AWESOME!!!! To me, it was like a worship thought, only the one giving it didn't know it. Got to see images of the know universe and the "star nursery" in Orion's belt . . .
I am humbled by the magnitude of the universe's size. To think of how unbelievably small we are, and that to God our worth is as large (if not larger) than the entire universe . . .
Somehow, to me, the term "mind-boggling" is an understatement.

Did I mention this was my 1st time at an IMAX theater?

Ugh, Monica . . . I think someone wants to get your attention . . .
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