Sunday, November 22, 2009

Missionsteam in Vienna (20.-22. Nov.)

I'm tired, but I'm gonna do this now 'cause I have no idea when/if I could do it later. Friday, around 14:00, I left with Bogi's Missionsteam to Vienna (making it my 5th time in the city). The Missionsteam was going to hold the Sabbath services and programs in the English-speaking Vienna SDA church. We got there around 17:00 (5pm) and started getting ready for the program we were going to hold that night at 19:00 (7pm). On Sabbath, we spent the entire day with the congregation from 9 til after 9 that night. Afterwards, we went to walk around in Vienna for an hour or two. We left Sunday (today) at about 9:30 and got back just a little after noon.
It was a good experience and I had fun. It was a bit odd, having to speak in English after I've been telling myself, You're here to learn German, speak (only) German! The congregation was predominately Filipino with a few African countries represented in the mix. It was pretty cool.
Oh, and don't get me started on the potluck *mouth-watering*. . .
Well, I took a few pictures. They are not of my better quality ones, but here they are:
This is the street where the Vienna English SDA church is (and the sign to the next-door building)

Ah, the sign

Pastor Felix Metonou! I knew him and his wife when he was studying his last year at Bogi. So far this year, every time I've gone to Vienna, I've spent the night with him and his family. They are wonderful.

Most of us were involved in the team's choir or some other musical number. So there was a lot of practicing going on.

During the practicing sessions, some potential musicians would come up and watch.

Here, Ray is giving his testimony.

Now, it's Florian's turn.
Won Jeung, our youngest language student, is playing the flute while Sonja plays the piano.

At the Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas Market) in Vienna, right in front of the Rathaus (City Hall). This picture is really cool. Bottom-left corner is part of Won Sok's face. He was jumping up and down, trying to get in the picture. I didn't realize that he made it in, until when I was looking through all of them this afternoon. I just made it look like a cartoon for "artful" content.

Alright. This was nice. Where/What to next?

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