Sunday, November 22, 2009

Missionsteam in Vienna (20.-22. Nov.)

I'm tired, but I'm gonna do this now 'cause I have no idea when/if I could do it later. Friday, around 14:00, I left with Bogi's Missionsteam to Vienna (making it my 5th time in the city). The Missionsteam was going to hold the Sabbath services and programs in the English-speaking Vienna SDA church. We got there around 17:00 (5pm) and started getting ready for the program we were going to hold that night at 19:00 (7pm). On Sabbath, we spent the entire day with the congregation from 9 til after 9 that night. Afterwards, we went to walk around in Vienna for an hour or two. We left Sunday (today) at about 9:30 and got back just a little after noon.
It was a good experience and I had fun. It was a bit odd, having to speak in English after I've been telling myself, You're here to learn German, speak (only) German! The congregation was predominately Filipino with a few African countries represented in the mix. It was pretty cool.
Oh, and don't get me started on the potluck *mouth-watering*. . .
Well, I took a few pictures. They are not of my better quality ones, but here they are:
This is the street where the Vienna English SDA church is (and the sign to the next-door building)

Ah, the sign

Pastor Felix Metonou! I knew him and his wife when he was studying his last year at Bogi. So far this year, every time I've gone to Vienna, I've spent the night with him and his family. They are wonderful.

Most of us were involved in the team's choir or some other musical number. So there was a lot of practicing going on.

During the practicing sessions, some potential musicians would come up and watch.

Here, Ray is giving his testimony.

Now, it's Florian's turn.
Won Jeung, our youngest language student, is playing the flute while Sonja plays the piano.

At the Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas Market) in Vienna, right in front of the Rathaus (City Hall). This picture is really cool. Bottom-left corner is part of Won Sok's face. He was jumping up and down, trying to get in the picture. I didn't realize that he made it in, until when I was looking through all of them this afternoon. I just made it look like a cartoon for "artful" content.

Alright. This was nice. Where/What to next?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Crazy Hair Day (19.11.09)

Ah, yet another memorable day: Crazy Hair Day! Last time, I didn't do much. I just let my hair down the night before, went to bed, got up the next day, and went. It was crazy enough. Today, I actually had something done. My friend Clay came up with the idea and he worked on my hair this morning. Oh, just go down and see the pictures you're dying to see!
Here is Clay (seated) as one of his clients spray paints his hair.

My before picture:

And now, the after pictures:

Let's not forget the smiley face!

To think it only took him about 10-15 minutes.
He had red, white, and blue hairspray, but the blue ran out, except for the one stripe in the 1st picture.
Ah, why not. When will I get to have an (official) crazy hair day again?
Now, the real adventure, washing it all off... (cringe)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Eisenstadt (take 2)

Last time I was in Austria, I went to visit and tour Eisenstadt on my own. There was only 1 problem: Everything was closed. I didn't know that this was normal; especially since I went between Christmas and New Year's. Okay, lesson learned.
Well, I thought, why not go and try again after the Wienreise? I'll already be in Eastern Austria and we have Friday free. To top it off, I know someone who lives closer to Eisenstadt and she told me I was welcome to stay with her. Perfect! So, I took advantage of this opportunity. Another thing, 2009 is pretty much declared as a "Hayden year". Hayden lived a large portion of his life in Eisenstadt. This town was making a big deal about him (it's 200 years since his death) and I was sure there was going to be some sort of deal, as far as attractions were concerened. Well, I didn't take much pictures, but the nicer ones I took, I've put on display here:

Walking from the train station to the city center, I came across this interesting landmark. The city wall (part of it) from the 1400s.

Schloss Esterhazy, where the royal family lived here and Joseph Haydn lived and worked there.

There was an interesting exhibition on Haydn in Esterhazy. It was kinda funky and modern, but interesting.

The Haydn Hall inside Esterhazy.

The sign above Haydn's house.

The entrance

In the building

A museum of diocesan objects. They had an exhibit on Haydn, so I thought "why not?"

Not in my itinerary, but very interesting nontheless. This was an important man from this state who gave his life for Austria's freedom from 1934-1938. He died in Dachau's concentration camp.

Haydn's botanical garden

Info about the garden

The Adventist church in Wiener Neustadt, about an hour away (southeast) from Vienna.

I don't remember ever being so close to woodpecker before

I had lots of spare time that Sabbath. This was the best shot (not the best of all time though).

A small figure the married couple I stayed with had. I was touched when I saw this. I liked that they had it right by a lamp, so I practiced a few interpretive shots. Not many, I confess, 'cause I didn't want to make the couple wonder what was wrong with me.
It was great. I had a nice relaxing time and got to see just about everything I wanted to see in this town, which is also the capital city of Burgenland (look it up in the Austrian map). I love small cities.
Well, I'm back in school and trying to get back into the roll of things. I was out for a week, after all. Hope you all are doing well and know that I do think of you and pray for you. Have a good day!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wienreise (Vienna Trip)

Monday, 2. November, the Sprachschul left Bogi for the annual Wienreise. From Monday 'til Thursday, we Sprachschulers toured and explored Wien (Vienna). We've had many adventures and have plenty of stories to tell. For now, let the pictures tell their stories.
First off, we stayed in the Advent Mission (the same place I stayed for the weekend when I was there 2 weekends before for the Austria Choir). Here's the adventist sign in the main office.

Our 1st meal in Vienna was in this restaurant.

Someone else was quite excited . . .

That night, we went up on the Donauturm. This is a tower that goes up to about 215 meters above the city. What's really cool about this place is that it rotates! It makes a full revolution every 10 minutes or so. There's your 360 degree view of Vienna. I was here last time (last Wienreise), but it wasn't night. It was really cold, but I liked it!
They offer bungee-jumping. I absolutely refuse. I'll just take the picture and be content, thank you.

On the other side of the Donau canal.

Have I mentioned that I like heights? (as long as I'm protected)

This side of the Donau canal.

Remember what I said about heights with a sense of protection?

Tuesday: Here is Hofburg, the Hapsburg's (royal family) winter residence.

Parlament and Rathaus (City Hall) right behind it.
Inside Parlament

The Rathaus . . . with snow. Yep, it snowed in Austria on the 3. of November.
My personal detour: Haus der Musik, a hands-on museum dedicated to music and sound. I loved it, although I didn't have enough time to go through all of it as I wanted to. I would gladly go again.

This was the 1st floor

2nd floor. There were 3 more, but from here on I had to rush. :-(

That night, the Viennese delicacy: Sacher torte!

Wednesday: Schloss Schönbrunn, the Hapsburg's summer residence.

The Gloriette, the castle's "backyard". Not much was going on 'cause it was raining that day. Blah. Oh well, we still had fun.

Exhibit A.

The back of Schönbrunn

One of many paths belonging to the castle's park.

Concert at the Musikverein! Rachmoninov and Tchaichovsky!

We had standing tickets, but it was still good.

During intermission
After they were done.
Thursday: Hello, Mozart.
Schloss Belvedere. Used to belong to a general. Austria's independence was declared from the back balcony of this castle on 26. October, 1955.

The entrance to the "backyard"
There's the balcony.

A plaque and the door to the balcony from inside. It's an art museum now.

The "backyard"
Prater Station, the theme park with Vienna's ferris wheel (Reisenrad), one of the main sights of the city.

I wanted to go, but cash was running low, as well as time and the temperature. Okay, I'll take a picture and be content.

Well, those were the highlights from the Vienna trip, from my camera. There was a lot more that we did and saw, but for most of these places, either photography was forbidden or the pictures weren't good. So yeah.
Everyone left for Bogi Thursday afternoon, except me. I went to Eisenstadt. My next post will be over Eisenstadt and how it went for me. Til then!