Sunday, June 20, 2010

Expected Shock

I don't know if anyone still checks this, but just wanted to use this space in order to ask you all if you could pray for my Cuban relatives (Dad's side of the family).

My grandmother, Dad's mother, died last night sometime after 19:00 (7pm). She had breast cancer for about a year. She fell as she was in the bathroom on Thursday evening, was unconscious, and was declared dead last night (Saturday night). She was 88.

Don't worry about me: I'm ok, as in the death didn't really hit me and we were expecting it 'cause of her cancer and age. Of all my grandparents, she was the one I had the most communication with; but it wasn't very much. Sure we wrote letters back and forth, but that was probably no more than 4 times a year . . . if that. (as far as my other grandparents are concerned; dad's father died before dad came to the States and met mom, mom's mother died about 8 years ago--I met her once and that's it--and mom never knew who her father was, so he's as good as dead). So yeah, that's how it is.

Dad seems to be ok (again, he was expecting it), but still; pray for him, his other siblings, and the rest of the family there, please.

Shew, first a brother-in-law on February 23, his wife on March 15, an uncle on June 5, and now his mother last night (June 19). . . and he found out about his mother this morning: on Father's Day . . .

. . . Jesus is coming soon.

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