Praise God! I am finally a Southern Adventist University alumnus!
This has been an amazing weekend. I was able to spend time with friends I love (and some of their families) as we all celebrated a major milestone in our lives.
On Sunday morning as we were marching in, as soon as I stepped into the hall, I felt completely different. I am not the kind of person who wants to be the center of attention: I didn't want to go to the ceremony and march! But as I saw the sea of faces with smiles and cameras, faces of families and friends who are all united in celebrating an important event very few people are able to reach; all the stress and sacrifice, the pain and predicaments, the challenges and choices . . . have made this event worth it. I do not regret marching, although I do regret that mom wasn't there in person. But it's ok, for she was in my heart (besides, mom saw me graduate from college in a dream, before I graduated from 8th grade!). God is good.
Now, let me share with you some of the highlights of this truly high weekend . . .
Monica, one of my best friends, picked me up from the Chattanooga airport. She didn't welcome me empty-handed. . . aren't they lovely?
After I took my German exit exam. My stress had evaporated and I was free! I was also reunited with Jellique and Beverly, the office manager of the Department of Modern Languages.
A few other friends at China Kitchen (great Chinese food, and SAU students get discounts!): Kasandra, Thomas, and Brittany; they are quite the animated bunch.

Carlos and Kevin, being themselves (I wouldn't want them any other way).
Oh, Southern got a new round-about. At least traffic isn't as deadly, or so I hear . . .
The fountain in the round-about
Sabbath after church, I went with Jellique's family and we ate Indian food. It was soooo good! I'm so glad it was a buffet place--I got about 2.5 full plates of food! My appetite has returned!
Back on campus, a group shot was in order.
After the Nursing Dedication Saturday night. Carlos searches . . .
Yours truly with 2 of her favorite nurses.
Sunday morning, waiting to march in, got a quick picture with Jessica, a Masters of Nursing graduate. My respects.
Ok, the line is moving, but not that much . . . quick picture!
Chad. This guy cracks me up, he's really sweet . . . and a School of Religion graduate . . . who knew?
Back at my seat, after walking across the stage and receiving my new Bible and Diploma cover (actual Diploma comes in the mail).
Ignacio Silverio, sat right beside me ('cause of alphabetical order). We cracked up so many jokes and did so much crazy stuff when the cameras were aimed at us . . . good times.
Yey! Dad made it! Because of his superiors, we weren't sure if he would make it.
Dr. Brown-Kibble, choir director; one of the SAU people I missed the most. It has been a joy and an honor to sing under her command.
Yey! We did it! 2 awesome nurses and I.
Jellique and I with one of my favorite English professors (Dr. Byrd), too bad I couldn't get Dr. Haluska as well . . . blast.
Alright Bro (aka Kevin)! Kasi is so proud of us!
And the best for last . . .
A proud father with his daughter
"Memories, patent in the pages of my mind;
Memories, sweetened through the ages just like wine." (Elvis Presley song)
Praise God for occasions like this and the memories that come with them.
Now, I have a lot of work ahead of me if I will be able to go to Korea in about 5 weeks . . . so if you don't hear from me in that time, do not be alarmed; for I am extremely busy, racing against the clock. May God's will be done.